Title: Jack's Plan Author: Mandy Fandoms: Chalet School, Ballet Shoes Rating: G Characters Jack Lambert, Petrova Fossil, canon Chalet characters Word Count: 750 Summary: Jack takes her first step toward owning a garage Link: 'Fandom 5' fic'
Title: Carola's Culinary Capers Author: Mandy Fandom: Chalet School Rating: G Characters Carola Johnstone Word Count: 490 Summary: When the doughnuts were accidentally fried in cod-liver oil, nobody could have predicted it would be the inspiration for Carola's career. Link: 'Fandom 3' fic'
Title: Another Australian Wedding Fandom: Chalet School/Merry series by Clare Mallory Rating: G Characters Madge Russell, Ailie Russell/Derek Carslake Word Count: 480 Summary: Madges musings as Ailie gets married Link: 'Fandom 6' fic'
Title: Not Your Average Pizza Fandom: Chalet School Rating: G Pairing/Characters Joey Maynard Word Count: 750 Summary: Jo is not satisfied with regular pizza toppings. Link: 'Fandom 2'
I do not own any of the following things or have any connection to them whatsoever. These are all not-for-profit fanworks. Many thanks for sabethea for the prompts